Well, summer is over and it’s back to school time for the kids. Many parents are thankful that school is starting up again because it means regular schedules, less surprises, and perhaps more family dinners. However, there are others who may be wondering what this school year will hold for their children. School shootings sure seemed to be last school year’s hot topic, but what about this year? We sincerely hope that there won’t be any more school shootings — no parent should ever have to bury a child. While it is tragic that school shootings continue to occur, we believe that it is preventable. Will schools in Oklahoma step up to the plate and allow their teachers to protect the children in an active shooter scenario.

There are current state laws in Oklahoma which leave the decision up to the school district as to whether or not they are willing to allow selected members of their faculty to carry firearms on school grounds for the purpose of eliminating an active shooter so that no more innocent people lose their lives unnecessarily. Many believe that it’s up to Oklahoma government officials or maybe even the city government, but here in Oklahoma, that’s just not true. Oklahoma legislators have already placed the responsibility of this decision on the shoulders of those who run the school districts throughout Oklahoma. Parents — do you know what your school district’s policy is?

In the NRA TV news clip below, we see a brave gentleman at a back-to-school event in Florida who drew his firearm to stop another man who was firing his pistol into a crowd of people (including children). We don’t have all the details yet, but we do know that this brave man was a law-abiding gun owner with a conceal carry license. We also know that he put the active shooter down — the good guy with a gun stopped the bad guy with a gun. No innocent people were harmed. The only person who was injured was the criminal who unlawfully used his gun.

Good Guy with a Gun

Gun-control activists will ignore this story. The mainstream media will ignore this story. They will intentionally ignore these heroic events knowing that months from now they will ask gun owners, “where is your proof that a good guy with a gun will stop a bad guy with a gun?” They know that the media only reports on mass shootings because mass shootings and other tragedies increase ratings. The news media doesn’t report on law-abiding citizens saving hundreds of lives because he or she decided to responsibly carry their firearm that day.

NRA Spokeswoman Dana Loesch poses this question to anti-gun advocates: “Was this situation made better or made worse by the presence of lawfully owned and carried firearm in the hands of a law-abiding citizen? It’s a simple question, and they know the answer.”

Guns are Tools

It’s sad, really. But we know the truth, and so should you:  guns are not evil — they are amoral. What does that mean? A-moral means that firearms aren’t moral and they aren’t immoral. A gun is like a fire. Fire can cook your food and heat your home. It can weld two pieces of metal together and be very useful in many other ways. However, fire can also burn your house down and kill you! Just because fire can be damaging doesn’t mean it is bad. Fire is merely a tool…just like a firearm. The problem is that people usually determine how those tools are used!

If you mistakenly smash your finger with a hammer, do you blame the hammer and start an all-out quest to remove every hammer from your home and everyone else’s? Nope — not if we have anything to say about it!